Gardaí from Criminal Assets Bureau raid two properties in Limerick

Searches carried out in Ballinacurra Weston

CAB searches in Limerick were part of a planned, intelligence led operation. File photograph: PA Wire

Gardaí raided two properties on Friday, as part of an investigation targeting the alleged sale and supply of drugs in the Limerick region.

Two residential searches were carried out in Ballinacurra Weston in Limerick by officers attached to the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB), during a planned “intelligence-led” operation.

According to a source, the investigation is focussed on property assets linked to the alleged proceeds of drug dealing in the Limerick region.

As part of the garda probe, CAB officers located and seized documents arising out of today’s searches.


Responding to a query about this morning’s property raids, a garda spokeswoman stated:“I can confirm that CAB conducted two residential searches in County Limerick this morning, Friday 27th July, 2018, targeting the assets and activities of criminals in the area.”

“This operation related to the ownership of property suspected to derive from criminal conduct, and a number of documents were seized.”

“No arrests were made. The investigation is on going,” the spokeswoman said.