Gardaí identify boy (13) as person of interest in attack on woman in Cork

Young woman was hit in the head and face during an attack in the city last weekend

Gardaí investigating an assault in a young woman in Cork last weekend are following a definite line of enquiry. Photograph: PA

A 13-year-old boy has been identified as a person of interest by gardaí investigating a serious attack on a woman in her 20s in Cork.

The woman was followed for a period before her assailant subjected her what gardaí described as a “particularly nasty” assault in the Evergreen Street area at about 11.30pm last Saturday.

The woman was hit in the head and face and sustained cuts and damage to her jaw. A number of people came to her assistance and her attacker then fled on foot.

She was transferred to Cork University Hospital via ambulance for treatment to non-life threatening injuries.


It is understood the young woman was walking the short distance home when the attack occurred. It is unclear if the attack was an attempted robbery.

Gardaí have examined CCTV security camera footage from the area and are said to be making good progress in their investigation.

They are following a definite line of enquiry.

Gardaí have appealed to members of the public with information to contact them.

They are particularly interested in dash cam footage which may be available from passing motorists driving through that area at the time.

The woman has spoken to gardaí about the incident and statements have also been taken from the people who intervened to help her and from a number of witnesses.