Gardaí seek to return 45 stolen bikes and scooters to owners

Operation in south Dublin recovers more than 80 stolen bikes and electric scooters

Some of the bikes that gardaí are looking to return to owners. Photograph: An Garda Síochána

Forty-five stolen bikes and electric scooters recovered by gardaí are sitting in Kevin Street Garda station in Dublin, due to difficulties locating the owners of the stolen property.

Gardaí seized about 80 electric scooters and bicycles, believed to be stolen, during a series of searches in south Dublin as part of an ongoing investigation.

To date only more than 30 of the electric scooters and bicycles have been returned to their lawful owners, as gardaí have been unable to identify the owners of 45 of the items.

Gardaí are appealing for people who have had bikes or electric scooters stolen to view pictures of the recovered property posted online, in an attempt to find the owners.


A Garda spokesman advised members of the public to make sure they took a photo of any bicycle or scooter when they bought it, in order to be able to reclaim it in the event it was stolen and later recovered.

The spokesman said if possible people should try to have the property marked, to assist gardaí in identifying it.

“If any member of the public believes they may be the lawful owner of any of these scooters or bicycles, please contact Kevin Street Garda station on 01 666 9400,” the spokesman said.

Images of the recovered bicycles and electric scooters can be viewed here.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times