Gardaí seize quantity of cigarettes at Covid-19 checkpoint

A car was stopped in Co Mayo and the driver was questioned about his movements

Gardaí said a car was stopped at the Covid-19 checkpoint at Bohola where enquiries were made.

Gardaí seized a quantity of unstamped cigarettes at Bohola, Co Mayo, as part of a Covid-19 checkpoint on Wednesday.

The seizure was made as part of the Claremorris Community Engagement area’s response to Covid-19.

Gardaí said a car was stopped at the Covid-19 checkpoint at Bohola where enquiries were made into the purpose of the driver’s movements.

Subsequently the car was searched and approximately 20,000 cigarettes were located. The cigarettes represent an approximate loss to the exchequer of €10,600. The Revenue Commissioners has been notified and is pursuing the investigation.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter