Homeless families can stay in Nama hotel until end of August

Five families can remain in Lynams while alternative housing is found, court hears

Members of the Irish Housing Network protest outside Lynams Hotel on O’Connell Street, Dublin. File photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/The Irish Times

Five homeless families living in a Dublin city centre hotel which is about to be sold by a receiver will be allowed remain there until the end of August while alternative accommodation arrangements are made for them, the High Court has heard.

However, Mr Justice Paul Gilligan said he wanted to hear more detail about the proposed alternative accommodation for the families who are currently living in Lynams Hotel, on Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin.

Last April, injunction proceedings by hotel operator Theresa Andreucetti aimed at preventing Nama-appointed receiver Aidan Murphy from taking possession of the premises were settled on the basis of undertakings.

These included that Ms Andreucetti, who had a lease on the hotel with the previous owners before it was taken over by Nama, would vacate the building by Monday, August 1st, pay €20,000 in rent arrears and clear rates due to Dublin City Council.


Her lawyers returned to court on Wednesday to ask for an extension of that August 1st deadline due to the fact the five families would be homeless.

Her counsel Robert Beatty also said Ms Andreucetti faced a possible €250,000 loss if she was unable to meet bookings made over the internet by independent agencies with whom she has contracts.

She was not cognisant of this situation when she gave the undertakings to the court in April, counsel said.

Alternative accommodation

Eamon Marray BL, for the receiver, said his client had made arrangements that the five homeless families, who had been living in Lynams under the city council’s emergency accommodation scheme, could remain in place until the end of August while the city council finds them alternative accommodation.

Mr Marray also said the receiver needed vacant possession to sell the hotel and to protect its liquor licence, which is due for renewal in September.

Mr Justice Gilligan adjourned the case to Friday, when he said he wanted to hear from a city council official about the alternative arrangements for the homeless families.