Man arrested after €200,000 in cash seized in Dublin

Search of vehicle in Clondalkin is part of anti-gangland operation being run by gardaí

Bundles of cash totalling €200,000 which were seized by gardaí following the search of a car in west Dublin on Saturday afternoon. Photograph: An Garda

A man was arrested and €200,000 in cash seized after gardaí searched a vehicle on the Fonthill Road in Clondalkin, west Dublin on Saturday afternoon.

The search was part of an anti-gangland operation being run by gardaí in the city. A bag containing bundles of €10, €20 and €50 notes was discovered in the car. The 39-year-old was arrested, questioned and has since been released without charge.

A file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

On Friday a handgun and ammunition was seized by gardaí during a targeted search operation in the Botanic Avenue area of Dublin.


A Russian-made 9mm weapon was found during the search.

No one has been arrested in connection with the discovery.

The weekend finds of cash and a gun comes after gardaí seized up to €2 million worth of drugs in five separate operations during the week to Thursday, as part of that the force described as an aggressive move against organised crime.