Man arrested over Waterford assault with ‘saw-like blade’

Victim initially thought to be at risk of losing fingers said to be recovering well in Cork

The 28-year-old was arrested at about 10am on Wednesday in Waterford city. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Gardaí investigating an assault which caused severe hand injuries to a young man in Waterford have arrested a 28-year-old in connection with the incident.

The victim of the assault, Dean Flynn (20), was on Wednesday said to be “recovering well” in Cork University Hospital following lengthy surgery on Tuesday.

Initial reports following the assault at 2.50pm on Monday suggested two of Mr Flynn’s fingers and a thumb were cut off when he was set upon at Priory Lawn in Waterford city.

Gardaí­would not confirm the nature of Mr Flynn’s injuries, or his prognosis, yesterday apart from saying the injuries were “serious” but he was in a stable condition.


Detectives investigating the incident spoke to the victim in hospital on Tuesday night while gardaí­ also conducted door-to-door inquiries throughout Tuesday and have been appealing for witnesses and anyone else with information to contact them.

The 28-year-old was arrested at about 10am on Wednesday in Waterford city as part of the investigation. He is understood to be local. He can be held for questioning for up to 24 hours under the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act.

Gardaí said on Tuesday the injuries suffered by Mr Flynn were consistent with a "slash-type" motion during the assault.

Mr Flynn was initially taken to University Hospital Waterford but later transferred to Cork.

It is believed that one or two assailants used a “saw-like blade” or a knife to injure Mr Flynn. A car used by the culprits to escape the scene was later found abandoned and examined by gardaí.