Man could lose fingers following assault in Waterford

20-year-old believed to have been attacked with saw or large knife on Monday afternoon

Gardaí do not believe there is any “gang” element to the incident. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Gardaí in Waterford are investigating an assault which left a 20-year-old in danger of losing some of his fingers.

Surgeons at Cork University Hospital have been trying to repair serious damage done to the hand of a man who was set upon in a housing estate on Monday afternoon.

Gardaí believe either a saw or a large knife was used to inflict severe injuries on the victim of the incident which happened at a green area in the Priory Lawn section of Ballybe in Waterford city.

Initial reports suggested that two fingers and a thumb were cut away by the person or persons who committed the assault.


It is understood the victim made his way to a house in nearby Ardmore Park and, after the alarm was raised, he was initially brought by ambulance to University Hospital in Waterford but later transferred to Cork University Hospital where doctors worked on his hand.

“He has serious damage to two fingers and a thumb,” a garda involved in the investigation said. “He’s not in any immediate danger but it is a severe enough assault.”

Officers from the Waterford station have been carrying out door-to-door inquiries in an attempt to establish the identity of the assailant or assailants. It is believed either one or two culprits inflicted the injuries.

Gardaí do not believe there is any “gang” element to the incident, or that it related to drug activity, but may have arisen from a domestic situation.

They had not been able to speak to the victim by Tuesday afternoon but were hoping to be able to interview him in hospital by Tuesday night.

Investigators are examining a stolen car which is believed to have been used by the culprit or culprits to escape from the crime scene

The victim is a from a different estate in Waterford city.