Man held over fatal shooting of David Byrne at Regency Hotel

Person in 20s is first to be arrested in connection with the February raid at boxing event

Gardaí have arrested a man in his 20s in connection to a fatal shooting at the Regency Hotel in Dublin in February. File photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

Gardaí are continuing to question a man in his 20s in connection to a fatal shooting at the Regency Hotel in Dublin in February.

The man was arrested in the north Dublin area on Friday and is currently detained under the provisions of Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act 2007 at Ballymun Garda Station. He can be held for up to seven days.

David Byrne (32) was shot dead during an armed raid at a boxing event in the hotel in February as part of an ongoing feud between rival criminal gangs.

There are unconfirmed reports that the man being held had been seen armed and dressed as a woman fleeing the scene of the shooting. Gardaí would not confirm these reports.


This was the first arrest to have been made in conncection with the murder of David Byrne.

A second man who was arrested has been released. He is expected to appear in court at a later date in connection with road traffic offences.