Man hit by lightning at school sports day misses court date

Co Down George Allen accused of causing grievous bodily harm shortly before strike

A Co Down man was unable to appear in court in Northern Ireland as he remains in hospital after being struck by lightning three months ago. Photograph: Stephen Hird/Reuters.

A Co Down man was unable to appear in court in Northern Ireland as he remains in hospital after being struck by lightning three months ago.

George Allen (36), from Rampart Street, Dromore, was due to attend Lisburn Magistrates Court on Monday where he is accused of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent on Andrew Riley on June 5th of this year.

Mr Allen was granted bail the day after the incident but was seriously injured later that afternoon when he was hit by lightning while attending his children’s school sports day.

Staff used a defibrillator on Mr Allen who spent a month in a coma after the incident at Killowen Primary School. His son and daughter were also hurt by the strike but were released from hospital after a few days. Counsel for Mr Allen told the court his client was still in hospital.


A prosecuting lawyer said the PPS had received medical evidence on the alleged victim but they were still awaiting the summary of Mr Allen’s police interviews which would be required before any decision was taken regarding the prosecution.

Deputy District Judge Philip Mateer adjourned the case to October 24th.