Masked men raid south Dublin pub with gun and large knife

About €2,500 taken in raid at about 1am on Wednesday

Bar 51 on Haddington Road. Photograph: Google

Two armed and masked men tied up a bar manager and a customer in a south Dublin pub during a raid on Wednesday morning.

The men, one armed with a handgun and another with a large knife, are believed to have climbed over a security barrier and burst through the front door of Bar 51 on on Haddington Road at 1am on Wednesday.

At the time, the bar was closed and the bar manager was clearing up. A customer was still on the premises.

The raiders ordered the pair to lie face down on the floor before they were tied up with what is believed to be cable ties. They demanded the keys to the safe which they then opened and took about €2,500.


Gardaí in Donnybrook Garda station are investigating and are examining CCTV footage in the area.

The two men in the bar were not injured and no arrests have been made, a Garda spokesman said.