Men held over greyhound kidnapping released without charge

Clares Rocket was taken from yard in Co Tipperary between Sunday night and Monday morning

Clares Rocket was stolen from her kennels at the training yard of Graham Holland in Golden, Co Tipperary between Sunday night and Monday morning.

Four men arrested in connection with the kidnapping of one of Ireland’s fastest greyhounds have been released without charge.

Files are to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions in respect of each man.

Clares Rocket was stolen from her kennels at the training yard of Graham Holland in Golden, Co Tipperary between Sunday night and Monday morning.

Four men, including convicted Limerick drug dealer Christy Keane were arrested and questioned by gardaí.


Two of the men were released from Tipperary Garda station late on Wednesday and the other two were released from Clonmel Garda station early on Thursday.

The greyhound was recovered from a car along in which it was travelling with two men near Waterford.