Paedophile who abused three boys given 10-year prison sentence

Jason Paul Magill from Scarva in Craigavon found guilty last April

Judge Patricia Smyth jailed Jason Paul Magill for 10 years at Newry Crown Court.

A paedophile who sexually groomed, abused and “corrupted” the lives of three boys was handed a 10-year prison term on Monday.

Jailing 39-year-old Jason Paul Magill at Newry Crown Court, Judge Patricia Smyth said that, as she had deemed him to be a serious dangerous to the public and specifically children, she was imposing an "extended sentence" which means it will be up to the Parole Commissioners as to if and when he is safe to release.

She told Magill, who showed no reaction to the sentence, that when he is released he will also be under a supervised licence for five years.

At the end of his trial last April, the jury of seven men and five women deliberated for just over four and a half hours before convicting Magill on 26 offences by unanimous verdicts.


Magill, from Moody Park, Scarva in Craigavon, was found unanimously guilty of six offences of inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, three of possessing indecent images of children, six counts of causing a child to watch a sexual act, five of making threats to kill the three boys and their mother, five counts of sexually assaulting two of the children and one offence of sexually grooming a nine-year-old victim.

The jury did, however, find Magill unanimously not guilty of three further charges of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old.

Speaking outside the court, Magill’s victims’ father said simply that he was “happy” with the jail term.