Pat Kenny loses bid to prevent apartment blocks near Dalkey home

Bord Pleanala gives Bartra Capital planning permission for Co Dublin site

Pat Kenny and his wife said the loss of light on their property that would result from the proposal would be disastrous. Photograph: Frank Miller

Newstalk broadcaster Pat Kenny and his wife Kathy have lost out in their bid to prevent plans for apartment blocks on a site adjacent to their Dalkey home in Co Dublin.

This follows An Bord Pleanála giving Bartra Capital planning permission for 18 apartments along with six houses for the 1.4 acre Maple Tree House site.

Bartra Capital had originally lodged plans for 19 apartments and seven houses.

The board has given the scaled down plan the go-ahead despite opposition by the Kennys and other locals and a strong recommendation by the board’s own inspector to refuse planning permission.


The ruling also overturns a decision by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.

The board inspector in the case, Kenneth Moloney concluded that the proposed development should be refused as it would have an overbearing impact, would be visually obtrusive, would overlook and would seriously injure the residential amenities of the adjoining properties.

Mr Moloney said: “As such the proposal would detract from the amenities of adjoining properties, would be out of character with, and fail to respect the established pattern of development in the vicinity, and would set an undesirable precedent for similar type of development in the area.”

However, in its ruling, the board said it was satisfied the proposed development would be in accordance with the zoning objective for the site; would be consistent with national and local planning policy and would not seriously injure residential amenities in terms of overlooking or overbearing.

The planning permission — unless successfully challenged in the High Court — will now mean that Bartra can secure a return on its investment on the site.

Last August, Bartra Capital Property paid €3.1m for the Maple Tree House site adjacent to the Kennys’ home and also paid for an additional 0.51 acre site.

The Kennys led the local opposition, saying that the loss of light on their property that would result from the proposal “would be disastrous”.

The objection stated: “In my opinion, the proposed development by the applicant is not in compliance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times