PSNI arrests 12 teens over murder of homeless man in Derry

Seven of the teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of withholding information

Police in Derry have arrested a dozen teenagers as part of their investigation into the murder of Piotr Krowka. Photograph: PSNI

Twelve teenagers have been arrested by police investigating the murder of a homeless Polish man in Co Derry earlier this year.

The body of 36-year-old Piotr Krowka was found at a disused parochial house on Glen Road in Maghera on April 6th.

The police believe Mr Krowka may have died on April 3rd – Easter Saturday – four days before his body was found.

Police said he had suffered serious injuries to his head and body in a “vicious, sustained and unjustifiable attack”.


Eleven of those arrested are males aged between 16 and 19. Details of the arrests  emerged on Tuesday.

One of those arrested, a 16-year-old boy, was detained on suspicion of murder, but has been released pending further enquiries.

Six of the males and a 15-year-old girl were arrested on suspicion of withholding information.

Of those arrested, seven have been released on bail pending further enquiries, and five have been released pending a report to the Public Prosecution Service.

The arrests took place over recent weeks. The most recent arrest was in early July and saw a 16-year-old boy detained in the Maghera area on suspicion of withholding information.

CCTV footage of his last known movements shows Mr Krowka being followed through the centre of Maghera by a man wearing a hooded top.

The PSNI has described Mr Krowka as a “vulnerable, homeless man” who had been sleeping rough in the derelict property where his body was found.

Mr Krowka had lived in Maghera “on and off” since 2008, and returned to the area from London in 2017 and subsequently became homeless.

The PSNI has appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

Freya McClements

Freya McClements

Freya McClements is Northern Editor of The Irish Times