Recording of ethnicity to be considered across criminal justice system

Three-year strategy to review ways of dealing with minor crimes aside from prosecutions

The Courts of Criminal Justice, Dublin. Photograph: Dave Meehan

Creating a victim-centred approach across a “joined-up criminal justice system” is a key objective of a three-year strategy for the sector due to be unveiled on Monday.

Increased data-sharing between the agencies involved and increased use of technology in the courts are among the targets cited in the Criminal Justice Sectoral Strategy, which is to run to 2024.

The recording of the ethnicity of those who become involved in the criminal justice system is among the developments to be considered.

Along with other agencies, the Department of Justice is to “explore and develop options to provide for the recording and monitoring of ethnicity across the criminal justice system”, according to the strategy document.


A review of ways of dealing with minor crimes outside of prosecutions and the court system is to be conducted, and increased awareness of the availability of the restorative justice system is to be promoted.

The Criminal Justice Operational Hub will facilitate the automated sharing of data between the criminal justice agencies, while also allowing data to be made available to researchers on an anonymised basis.

Charge sheet data from An Garda Síochána, court lists and court outcomes from the Courts Service are to be shared with other agencies.

Consultations with the public and interested parties by the Criminal Justice Strategic Committee, which was established in 2015, has found the system can be seen as "daunting, inaccessible, and often difficult to understand" by those using it.

The system “does not communicate with a unified voice to victims, witnesses, suspects/people accused or convicted of a crime, and does not always seem to be cohesive or efficient”, it found.

Pandemic changes

The committee, which has drafted the three-year plan, comprises representatives from the department of Justice, An Garda Síochána, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Courts Service, Forensic Science Ireland, the Irish Prison Service, the Legal Aid Board and the Probation Service.

The pandemic has been “a catalyst for positive change in the criminal justice system”, according to the committee.

New ways of working have been introduced, the reliance on paper-based systems has been reduced and there has been an increase in the use of video links to the courts, it said.

As part of the three-year strategy, the causes of delays in the criminal justice system are to be explored, including the extent and reason for adjournments of court proceedings.

The strategy document commits to ensuring “all victims, witnesses and accused persons have the support needed to effectively engage with the criminal justice system”.

“We will ensure the victim’s perspective is clearly understood and embedded in the way of working in the criminal justice system.”

The strategy commits to a “joined-up criminal justice system” that protects human rights, builds public confidence and trust and works together to improve efficiency and the experience of those who use the system.

It also commits to implementing training programmes in relation to a range of matters including victims’ rights and a greater understanding of the role of trauma and adverse childhood experiences in the criminal justice system.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times