Search for ‘hole in the roof’ gang after raid on Sligo business

Raiders removed slates, cut off phones and CCTV before stealing money and cigarettes

Gardaí are searching for a ‘hole in the roof’ gang who disconnected phones, internet and CCTV connections before raiding Feeney’s supermarket, petrol station and bar in Dromore West, Co Sligo on Wednesday. Photograph: James Connolly/PicSell8.

Gardaí­ in Co Sligo are searching for a “hole in the roof” gang who disconnected phones, internet and CCTV links before raiding a village supermarket, petrol station and bar.

At least four people, all wearing balaclavas, were involved in the scheme and they plundered Feeney's in the coastal village of Dromore West, some 30km from Sligo, in the early hours .

They have been dubbed the “hole in the roof gang” because of their apparent expertise when it comes to forcing their way through roofs and making off with large amounts of money and cigarettes.

Some weeks ago, in a similar operation to Wednesday morning's raid, the gang hit Corcoran's Fuel and Corner Shop in Knockmore, Ballina. A section of slates was ripped from the roof of the building.


Blair Feeney, the owner of the raided business, told Midwest Radio he believed the gang “had their research well done”.

“They used power tools, rechargeable devices, to open the cash safes and the cigarette safes,” he said. “All our phones and cash registers are out of order following the raid. It may be tomorrow (Thursday) before we are back in business”.

There have been strikingly similar raids in other parts of the country this year.

The Dromore West and the recent operation at Knockmore are similar to a break-in at Glin, Co Limerick, earlier this year when €30,000 in cash and stock was stolen.

In all cases, the gang involved used industrial cutting equipment to get in through a roof and skilfully disabled phone, internet and CCTV links. Members spent a considerable amount of time on the premises targetedin each case.