Teenager arrested after seizure of €420,000 worth of heroin

Gardaí discovered the drugs in a rucksack during a stop and search in Ballymun

A teenager has been arrested after €420,000 worth of heroin was seized in Ballymun in Dublin. File photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times
A teenager has been arrested after €420,000 worth of heroin was seized in Ballymun in Dublin. File photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

A teenager has been arrested after €420,000 worth of heroin was seized in Ballymun in Dublin.

Gardaí discovered the heroin in a rucksack when the teenage male was stopped and searched in Coultry Park at 3:30pm on Thursday.

He is currently being held at Ballymun Garda station under Section 2 of Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking Act) 1996.