Yeomanstown stud owners plead guilty over unauthorised remedies

Horse breeders Gay, Annette and David O’Callaghan to be sentenced next April

The legal action against the O’Callaghan family, horse breeders at Yeomanstown, was taken by the Department of Agriculture. Photograph: David Sleator

Three members of the O'Callaghan family, horse breeders at Yeomanstown Stud in Co Kildare, have pleaded guilty to possession of unauthorised animal remedies.

Gay O'Callaghan, Annette O'Callaghan and their son, David O'Callaghan, from Naas, entered guilty pleas to eight counts against them related to the possessions at Naas District Court on Monday.

Jim Cosgrove, of Cosgrove Pharmacy, Edward Street, Newbridge, who was also charged, pleaded guilty to 10 counts against him related to the supply of animal remedies to the stud, contrary to regulations.

Local vet, Alice Bena Hickey, The Curragh, Co Kildare, entered guilty pleas to two counts against her. But she pleaded not guilty to a third count, related to the sale of animal remedies to the stud not in accordance with regulations.


Pleas of guilty to eight counts were also entered for Mull Enterprises Ltd, the company that owns Yeomanstown Stud. And 10 guilty pleas were entered for Cosgrove Pharmacy Ltd.

Legal action

The legal action against the O’Callaghans, Mr Cosgrove and Ms Hickey was taken by the Department of Agriculture, under the European Community (Animal Remedies) (no 2) Regulations 2007.

When the case first came before the court in September this year, Judge Desmond Zaidan was told that on September 12th, 2014, and on other dates, a veterinary inspector from the department visited the stud. While there, he found and seized animal remedies, which were held illegally and without authorisation. Some of the remedies should only have been in the possession of a vet and some required a prescription. It was believed many of the remedies came from the United States.

The court was told there were no allegations of harm to any animals.

On Monday, the five defendants all sought to have their case heard at the District Court, rather than on indictment at the Circuit Court, where penalties are higher.

After brief discussion, Judge Zaidan agreed to accept jurisdiction of the case. Counsel for Mr Cosgrove said his client was anxious to deal with the matter as soon as possible. But the judge declined to deal with him separately.

“I think it is best to deal with all of the matters together,” the judge said.

He set a date next April to hear evidence for sentencing of the O’Callaghans and Mr Cosgrove. On the same day, he will hear the contested allegation against Ms Hickey.

Offences under the animal remedies regulations attract a fine of up to €5,000 or six months in prison, on summary conviction at the District Court.

Yeomanstown Stud has an international reputation for horse breeding. Successes include Dark Angel, one of the leading stallions in Ireland, and Camacho, who sired five stakes-winning two-year-olds in 2013.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist