Decision due on leaders' role in NI talks

The Taoiseach will decide on Friday whether to get directly re-involved with efforts to restore devolution to Northern Ireland…

The Taoiseach will decide on Friday whether to get directly re-involved with efforts to restore devolution to Northern Ireland, it was revealed today.

Northern Ireland Secretary Mr Paul Murphy said the decision would be made by Mr Ahern and the British Prime Minister Mr Blair during discussions in Brussels.

However it is expected they will only return to Belfast for discussions with the parties if they believe a deal is possible.

At present there are little or no signs that such a deal is imminent and a major push for agreement to restore the power-sharing administration is likely to be put off to the autumn, when the tensions of the traditional summer marching season are over.


Mr Murphy co-hosted a further day of the Belfast Agreement review talks with Minister for Arts, Tourism and Sport, Mr O'Donoghue at Stormont today and said there was "constructive engagement" with the parties.

He said the British government would publish a summary of the review to date on Monday.

Meanwhile, hot on the heels of its European election success, the Rev Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party announced today it was planning to deliver a killer blow to the rival Ulster Unionists at the next General Election.

It will seek to oust the UUP from all its seats after extending its constituency target list to include all unionist-held seats.