Dempsey blames predecessors for education gap

The Minister for Education has blamed decisions by his predecessors for the widening gap between the achievements of rich and…

The Minister for Education has blamed decisions by his predecessors for the widening gap between the achievements of rich and poor students.

Mr Noel Dempsey said today's Leaving Cert results, which he described as "quite in line" with recent years, showed that the middle class continued to outperform disadvantaged students.

"Unfortunately, that's been a feature of our education system for quite a long time," he told RTÉ's Morning Ireland.

"I think some of the decisions that have been made in the past have tended to push resources towards the middle classes," to the detriment of the poorer students, he said.

I think some of the decisions that have been made in the past have tended to push resources towards the middle classes.
Minister for Education, Mr Dempsey

Mr Dempsey was given the Education portfolio following last May's General Election. He was previously environment minister.

He said was concerned that there were growing numbers of students within the second-level system to whom the syllabus "is not suited".

There has been a huge increase in the numbers taking the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) and the Applied Leaving Cert because of this, with most of those sitting these coming from disadvantaged areas and backgrounds.

"The syllabus needs to be geared to the needs of the students rather than the other way around," he said.

The problem starts at primary level, Mr Dempsey said, adding that resources must be put in to help guide younger children towards a successful secondary education.

He also called for greater focus on guidance and counselling and psychological services at second level to help struggling students.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times