Detained ship's crew settles pay dispute

A dispute which led to the holding of a ship at Dublin Port has been settled after all its crew members were paid.

A dispute which led to the holding of a ship at Dublin Port has been settled after all its crew members were paid.

The Merchant Brilliant, which is chartered by the Norfolk Line company, was detained at the port following a High Court order last Thursday.

The order was sought by the International Transport Workers' Federation when the owners of the vessel refused to negotiate a pay settlement for the crew. The dispute was resolved yesterday when two captains from the St Petersburg-based ADG Ship Management paid 20 Russian and Latvian crew members concerned $204,000 (€153,000) in outstanding wages.

The detention order was lifted by the High Court yesterday evening. Eight of the ship's 20 crew are to fly home to Russia and Latvia today, while the remainder will remain working on the vessel.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times