Developer got no assurance from county manager

MEATH COUNTY manager Tom Dowling has said he is "not afraid to defend any litigation" that may be taken against the council in…

MEATH COUNTY manager Tom Dowling has said he is "not afraid to defend any litigation" that may be taken against the council in relation the draft local area plan for south Drogheda.

He made his comments at a special meeting of Meath County Council yesterday during which Cllr Brian Fitzgerald (Ind) said that another official, and not the county manager, should prepare the report on submissions on the draft plan that councillors must by law consider before it is adopted.

Next week the county councillors are due to consider the manager's report on the 46 submissions on the plan; they can make amendments to the plan and its zoning before it is adopted and do not have to follow the manager's recommendations.

The south Drogheda plan will provide a blueprint for the development of lands which stretch from south of the Boyne to the M1 exit for Drogheda south, taking in two particular pockets of land: at Mill Road near Drogheda; and in Bryanstown between the N1 and M1.


Dublin developer Bill Doyle has claimed that, if the land on which he wants to build houses in Bryanstown is not zoned "residential", he will not be able to finance the building of Drogheda United's new 10,000-seat stadium.

At the council meeting yesterday Mr Dowling responded to allegations made by Mr Doyle on LMFM that he had met Mr Dowling and that commitments were given to him.

He said he had met Bill Doyle twice in Dublin at Mr Doyle's request adding: "I did not give him any assurances, nor could I." Mr Dowling said it was part of his role to progress economic development in the county and he did meet individuals and groups interested in carrying out investment.

However, he does not give them commitments or undertakings. Elected councillors are "the final arbitrators" on planning and zoning, he said.

"I am satisfied the plan has not been compromised," he said. "It certainly has not been compromised by myself or the executive. I am not afraid to defend any litigation that comes our way in relation to the local area plan."

Mr Fitzgerald said he believed the council was "being exposed to litigation" and he suggested that, instead of Mr Dowling preparing a report on the submissions on the draft plan, this should instead be done by another.

"[Mr Dowling] has compromised this plan," he said. "I believe no report should be taken in by the county manager . . . and another official should [do it] for fear it will be deemed to be flawed."

Cllr Jimmy Fegan (FF) said "there is a distinct difference between a discussion and an assurance", and if planning matters were discussed between the manager and the developer "it was unwise and inappropriate".

Meanwhile, Cllr Jimmy Cudden (Ind) has denied that his actions and those of Cllr Tom Kelly (Greens) relating to the proposed zoning in a draft plan "sounded the death knell" for the proposed new Drogheda United stadium.

Both men had sought legal advice after the interview on LMFM.

The adoption of the controversial plan is on the agenda for next Monday's meeting of the council.