Diana letter `a forgery'

Paris - French hospital officials yesterday denounced as a forgery a letter which states Princess Diana was two months pregnant…

Paris - French hospital officials yesterday denounced as a forgery a letter which states Princess Diana was two months pregnant when she died. The letter, published yesterday in a Spanish magazine, claims to be a report to the French Interior Minister on Diana's post-mortem examination at the Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, where she died. But a hospital spokesman said inquiries had shown "with certainty" that the letter - printed on official headed notepaper and dated August 31st, the day Diana died - to be a fake.

Meanwhile, the British Post Office announced that special stamps to commemorate Diana would be on sale from February. Also, it was confirmed last night that a garden of remembrance is to be created in front of Kensington Palace, where thousands of grieving people laid floral tributes after the princess's death.