Diary Dates

Garden Trails and Organisations (many of the gardens are open for the whole season, not just the dates mentioned below).

Garden Trails and Organisations (many of the gardens are open for the whole season, not just the dates mentioned below).

Connemara Garden Trail (April 29th - June 5th): contact Kylemore Abbey (09541146) or Breandan O Scanaill (095-21148)

Cork Open Gardens Week (May 13th - 21st): contact Brian Cross (021-821052) or Marymount Hospice (021-501201)

Dublin Garden Group (group tours arranged to 11 private gardens): contact John Bourke (01-2803912) or Shirley and John Beatty (01-2955884)


Shamrock West Cork Garden Trail (10th-25th June): brochures from Bord Failte and from Phemie Rose (027-61111), Kilravock Garden, Durrus, West Cork (please enclose a stamped addressed envelope). South Tipperary Weekend Garden Trail 2000 (July 1st-2nd): contact Mildred Stokes (052-33155).

Wicklow Garden Festival (May 5th-July 28th) contact Wicklow County Tourism (0404-20100).

Jane Powers can be contacted at: jpowers@irish-times.ie