Disability ruling welcomed

The decision by a court in Cork to award a hackney licence to a wheelchair user was welcomed by People with Disabilities in Ireland…

The decision by a court in Cork to award a hackney licence to a wheelchair user was welcomed by People with Disabilities in Ireland last night.

Mr Michael Murphy's application to the gardaí for a hackney licence was initially refused on the basis that he would not be able to help passengers with their bags, according to the disability group. The issue of bringing bags up steps was also raised as of particular concern. However, a judge has overturned that decision and ruled that it is sufficient for Mr Murphy to bring luggage as far as the foot of steps.

Mr Michael Ringrose, chief executive of People with Disabilities said: "It is regrettable that Mr Murphy has to go to court to establish his right to drive a hackney car. It is yet another example of how difficult it is for people with disabilities to be treated equally in our society.

"By his actions he has given hope to hundreds of people around the country who are skilled and capable of work but who face extraordinary barriers getting work." The upcoming Disability Bill must establish that no other person will experience such discrimination again, Mr Ringrose added.