Discharge of killers is sought

Members of the family of Peter McBride will travel to Downing Street today to demand the dishonourable discharge of the two Scots…

Members of the family of Peter McBride will travel to Downing Street today to demand the dishonourable discharge of the two Scots Guards convicted of his murder, writes Rachel Donnelly, in London. It is one year after Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD) was ordered to reconsider its decision to retain them in the army.

Peter McBride's mother, Mrs Jean McBride, and a member of the Pat Finucane Centre in Derry will deliver a submission urging the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, to intervene in the case.

In November last year the Defence Secretary, Mr Geoff Hoon, confirmed that a new army board would examine whether the two Scots Guards, James Fisher and Mark Wright, should be discharged. The army board has yet to announce its decision.

Fisher and Wright were released in September 1998 after serving less than four years of life sentences.