Don't waste this opportunity, says Empey

Northern Ireland voters should not waste the opportunity of a generation which is provided by the new political institutions, …

Northern Ireland voters should not waste the opportunity of a generation which is provided by the new political institutions, Ulster Unionist Party Minister Sir Reg Empey said today.

Ulster Unionist Party Minister Sir Reg Empey.

Northern Ireland's economy could make more gains if voters continued to devolution, the North's Enterprise Minister told a UUP press conference on the economy in Belfast.

"If you look at the skyline of this city you will see a forest of tower cranes around the Laganside," he said.

"Millions of pounds worth of investment has been brought here because people have confidence that this economy will grow and they will make money out of their investment.


"Those tower cranes have been drawn here not because of Ian Paisley or his party. They are there because people believe that there is a genuine opportunity for business growth."

In a strong attack on the DUP Mr Empey said the Rev Ian Paisley's party had opposed the building of the Waterfront Hall, which was now regarded as one of the Ireland's top concert and conference venues.

If the DUP had had its way the site on which the Waterfront now stands would have been derelict, he said, adding: "People have to understand that if we do not ensure and stay with this process we cannot ensure that economic growth will continue."

"We have an opportunity of a lifetime by staying and sticking with things as they are."