Doran's world sings him a welcome home

More than 7,000 supporters packed into Waterford's GAA grounds last night to lift the spirits of disappointed Eurovision singer…

More than 7,000 supporters packed into Waterford's GAA grounds last night to lift the spirits of disappointed Eurovision singer Chris Doran by giving him a homecoming to remember.

The 24 year-old singer, who finished second last in the Eurovision Song Contest, was given a huge morale-booster by the number of supporters from around the country who crowded into Walsh Park to welcome him home.

He arrived to a rousing reception of cheering fans shortly after 8.30 p.m. and immediately broke into a rendition of Mandy, the song with which Westlife recently had a hit.

"I want to say a big thank you for showing up here and giving me such support," he told the crowd.


"The last few days have probably been the hardest I have ever had in my life. The most disappointing thing is that I went on stage and gave it everything and then to come to such a low spot.

"All I can say is I tried my best for Waterford and Ireland and I am sorry if I offended anyone by not bringing it [the Eurovision title] home," he said.

Fans dressed in an array of t-shirts bearing Chris Doran's image as well as blue and white Waterford GAA jerseys began gathering for the homecoming nearly four hours before the event.

Young supporters waved home-made banners in the glorious sunshine declaring "We Love You Chris", "You're Our Hero" and "You're Still Our Star".

The GAA grounds' 5,000- seater stand was packed to capacity an hour before the singer's arrival and the crowd erupted into song when local entertainer Tommy Comerford kicked off the party by singing Chris Doran's Eurovision single If My World Stopped Turning.

Waterford band Avalon and Chris Doran's Eurovision backing singers, Final Four, also warmed up the crowd.

Susan Cooley, from Roanmore Park, Waterford, said she was there to give Chris Doran the support he deserved.

"He has made us all very, very proud. He did Ireland proud and put Waterford on the map.

"He got his dream to go to the Eurovision and is still a star to us," she said.