Dr Eames plans to vote Yes

The Church of Ireland Primate described yesterday how he had agonised over "almost every page of the document" before deciding…

The Church of Ireland Primate described yesterday how he had agonised over "almost every page of the document" before deciding to vote Yes in today's referendum.

Dr Robin Eames, the Archbishop of Armagh, said he had buried too many victims and consoled too many families during the Troubles to contemplate Northern Ireland "sinking back" into sectarian violence. "None of us wants the grandchildren of Northern Ireland, let alone the children of Northern Ireland, to live their lives as so many of us have had to live ours. They deserve a better tomorrow. They deserve hope and they deserve peace."

He was speaking during a service at St Anne's Cathedral in Belfast, where he also called for the people of Northern Ireland to "pray for those who carry great burdens of pain in their hearts and in their bodies because of violence".