Drinks order raised suspicions

Two men who used false names to order £7,000 worth of drink have been given suspended sentences at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court…

Two men who used false names to order £7,000 worth of drink have been given suspended sentences at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

The court heard they were working for a Dublin gang who paid them £200 each to unload the drink. Anthony Lawless (24), of Clanbrassil Close, Dublin, and Stephen Kavanagh (25), of Bishop Street, Dublin, pleaded guilty to handling stolen goods on January 13th, 1998.

Garda Colin Rochford said the two had rung Gilbeys drinks wholesalers asking for 20 cases of Baileys and 20 cases of Smirnoff vodka to be delivered to another drinks wholesaler. Staff at Gilbeys became suspicious and a plain-clothes garda accompanied the van to a laneway where Lawless signed for the drink under a false name. Both men were arrested and admitted their part in the theft.

Judge Elizabeth Dunne fined Kavanagh and Lawless £1,000 and £500 respectively and bound them to the peace for five years.