Dublin Bus gets 20 new, bigger buses

Twenty new buses are to be introduced by Dublin Bus over the Christmas period, with some of the six-wheelers already on the city…

Twenty new buses are to be introduced by Dublin Bus over the Christmas period, with some of the six-wheelers already on the city's streets.

The Ecover bus can carry 34 more passengers than the maximum of previous double deckers, bringing capacity to 125. Of this figure 91 are seated, the same as that carried in total on previous models.

A Dublin Bus spokeswoman said yesterday a lower level of emissions was generated by the bus, and the new model was far superior to others in terms of comfort, capacity and fuel economy.

At 12 metres, the tri-axle bus is two metres longer than other vehicles. However, driver Paul Keating said: "After about half an hour it's very similar to the old ones" and described the manoeuvrability as "fine".


The Scottish-built buses are being run on a pilot basis along the 46A Quality Bus Corridor from the city centre to Dun Laoghaire. This will be reviewed in the new year.

The total of 20 new buses falls far short of the 150 Dublin Bus had previously requested from the Department of Transport.