Dublin Chamber campaigns in favour of Nice

The Dublin Chamber of Commerce today launched its Nice Referendum campaign advocating a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum.

The Dublin Chamber of Commerce today launched its Nice Referendum campaign advocating a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum.

In its document The Nice Treaty Manifesto, Dublin Chamber president Mr Peter Webster urged its members to vote Yes and use their influence to convince others to support the Yes vote.

Mr Webster said: "Irish support for the Nice Treaty will be good for Europe and good for Ireland."

"We believe that Ireland’s interests will be best served through maintaining active participation in the EU," he added.


The focus of the manifesto is on jobs, foreign investment in Ireland, access to markets, and labour supply.

It claims Ireland’s advantage as the only English-speaking euro-zone memeber could be threatened if Ireland were to be perceived as a less than full member of the EU.

It also said that enlargement would make the EU the biggest developed market in the world and provide enormous opportunities for Irish firms and multinationals based here.

The manifesto also contained the opinions of different international business figures adding their support to the Yes campaign.

Mr Jim Power, chief economist with Friend’s First Group said: "the No campaigners have failed to provide any analysis of the economic consequences and options in the event of another rejection."

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times