Dublin lights up for Christmas celebrations

Although the shopping frenzy has been underway for weeks, Dublin city centre will officially 'light up' for Christmas this Sunday…

Although the shopping frenzy has been underway for weeks, Dublin city centre will officially 'light up' for Christmas this Sunday evening.

The traditional Christmas lights will be switched on by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Michael Conaghan at 5.30 p.m.

Dublin City Council has organised a festive evening beginning at 5 p.m. The celebrations will take place between the Spire and the Larkin Statue on the new O'Connell Street Plaza. Two charities, Our Lady of Lourdes Day Car Centre and the Markets Area Senior Citizens' Service will benefit from the event.

A Christmas tree was erected for the first time opposite the GPO on O'Connell Street in 1966, the same year the 36.8 metre high Nelson's Pillar was blown from the same section of Dublin's skyline by IRA bombers.


This year's tree has been supplied by Coillte Teoranta,. It is a 60 foot high Norway spruce, grown in Athy, Co. Kildare and is, according to Dublin City Council, the biggest Christmas tree ever erected in Ireland.

It weighs three tonnes and is approximately 56 years old. In previous years tge trees were between 25 and 30 feet high. Over 1,200 white lights will decorate the tree.

"I've always loved the city centre at Christmas," the Lord Mayor of Dublin said.

"The crowds, shop windows and carols add an atmosphere that you just don't get in a suburban shopping centre."

Sunday' event is jointly funded by the Dublin City Centre Business Association and Dublin City Council.