Dubliner jailed over 'Love Ulster' riot

A Dublin man who was found guilty of violent conduct during the Love Ulster parade in 2006 has been jailed for three years.

A Dublin man who was found guilty of violent conduct during the Love Ulster parade in 2006 has been jailed for three years.

John O’Reilly (31) of Harcourt Street, Dublin, threw O’Connell Street flagstones at gardaí during the parade.

He was convicted by a Dublin Circuit Criminal Court jury earlier this year of violent disorder on February 25th, 2006.

Passing sentence today, Judge Patrick McCartan criticised O’Reilly’s “attempt to suggest he was innocent” during his trial in spite of “graphic” photographic evidence showing him throwing missiles and violently resisting arrest.


“I submit my serious criticism on behalf of the court for giving evidence on oath that was unbelievable.”

Judge McCartan acknowledged O’Reilly’s efforts to address his drink problem, however, and suspended the final two years of the sentence.