DUP meets US officials over Colombian arrests

A delegation of the Democratic Unionist MPs today met with US officials to discuss the arrests of the three Irishmen in Colombia…

A delegation of the Democratic Unionist MPs today met with US officials to discuss the arrests of the three Irishmen in Colombia.

DUP deputy leader Mr Peter Robinson, North Belfast MP Mr Nigel Dodds and East Derry MP Mr Gregory Campbell meet with a delegation of special advisers to a US Congressional committee examining the arrests.

At the meeting, they said they had "expressed in the strongest terms" their views on the IRA's involvement with other terror groups and their failure to disarm.

Mr Robinson and DUP leader the Rev Ian Paisley due to meet US special envoy to Northern Ireland Mr Richard Haass next week when he visits the North in an effort to help resolve the current crisis.


This evening a party spokesman said: "We in the DUP are determined that the American government will hear the truth about Sinn Fein/IRA and their continuing involvement in terrorism."

It emerged tonight that Mr David Trimble's Ulster Unionists are also sending a senior delegation to the United States to brief American Congressmen on the IRA's links with terror groups around the world.

Anti-Agreement MP Mr Jeffrey Donaldson and pro-Agreement peer Lord Maginnis will lead the delegation.

Meanwhile it was claimed tonight that General John de Chastelain may be meeting the IRA soon to discuss decommissioning following the republican group's withdrawal of its offer to put its weapons beyond use.

However, DUP leader the Rev Ian Paisley made the claim after a meeting with the decommissioning body where he warned the general and his colleagues that they were being used as "a pawn" by the IRA and the British and Irish Governments.

"The general is here in anticipation that he will have to meet with the IRA," the North Antrim MP said afterwards.

"It is about time that he and his organisation had some self-respect and tell the [British) government that they are no longer going to be used in this cynical game.