Education subject of 'routine' Revenue audit

NINE OUT of 10 Government departments who responded to questions about an investigation by the Revenue Commissioners into allegations…

NINE OUT of 10 Government departments who responded to questions about an investigation by the Revenue Commissioners into allegations of tax avoidance and or abuse have said they were not the subject of the allegations.

The Irish Times posed questions to all Government departments yesterday after reporting on a circular from Revenue on tax compliance.

The circular said it was investigating a number of instances in which it considered that offensive tax avoidance and or abuses of the tax system had occurred.

It was sent in June this year with a covering letter from Josephine Feehily, chairwoman of Revenue. Ms Feehily warned departments they should be fully aware of correct tax treatment and should be “mindful of not engaging in activities that seek to circumvent the law”.


The departments of Children, Education, Environment, Finance, Public Expenditure, Foreign Affairs, Jobs, Social Protection and Transport all responded to say they were not the departments referred to in the circular.

The Department of Education did say it was currently the subject of a routine audit by Revenue, but no findings against it had been made.

No response was received yesterday from the departments of Agriculture, Arts, Communications, Justice or the Department of An Taoiseach.

The Department of Health responded that it endeavoured at all times to be compliant with the tax code.

“In relation to any specific queries from the Revenue Commissioners, the Department fully co-operates in following up any such queries,” it said. “The Department does not comment on any specific queries the Revenue Commissioners may have.”

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist