CHOOSING CHILDCARE: A creche checklist

If you're looking for a good crèche, you'd be wise to put your child's name down at the moment of conception

If you're looking for a good crèche, you'd be wise to put your child's name down at the moment of conception. A friend confided recently that she was more frightened of finding childcare than of labour itself.

The days when granny would step in are long gone for many people - not that granny is necessarily the best choice. Research has shown that children cared for by relatives have less educational stimulation than those in crèches, for example.

When you're looking for childcare, you need to look for seven things, according to the Galway City and County Childcare Committee. A happy and safe environment is number one on the list. The service should feel welcoming to both you and your child and there should be good interaction between staff and children.

The premises should be clean, bright, have natural light and be well ventilated. The equipment and furniture should be safe, appropriate and well maintained. There should be space to play, both inside and out, enough toilets and washing facilities and a hygienic nappy-changing area. A good crèche also recognises the importance of play. Key point: you should be asked if your child has any special or additional needs.


The layout of the room should promote choice and independence and there should be a daily routine, which is discussed with parents and displayed.

The relationships between your child and the staff should be individual and caring. Staff should have a good understanding of child development and interact well with the children. They should treat the children with respect and empathy. You should be consulted on how to deal with your child should he or she become ill, distressed or angry. Most importantly, you should be allowed to visit at any time and talking with staff should be encouraged.

An exhaustive list of questions that parents should ask when visiting childcare services, Choosing Childcare, A Parent's Guide, is published by the Western Health Board. For a copy, call: (091) 771928. Other resources are the National Children's Nurseries Association (01) 872 2053, and the Irish Pre-School Playgroups Association (01) 671 9245.