Do students feel pressured to get grinds?

Seventy five per cent of students we polled on the educational website said they felt pressured to get grinds

Seventy five per cent of students we polled on the educational website said they felt pressured to get grinds. Here are some of their comments...

Grinds are just a trend, they're becoming a fashion. Some people genuinely need the extra help - more people have just been too lazy to do any work and are now spending a fortune on grinds!

I think I'll be getting grinds for maths. I don't care about Irish as I don't need it for third level. I find it unfair how the whole Leaving Cert and your future depends on one over-rated subject: maths. Fail it and you fail the Leaving Cert!

Grinds are way too expensive. It costs €20 a grind here and that's outrageous and unfair to people who can't afford them, then they have to miss out on extra help which could be necessary to get a course.


I need to get grinds in biology because we have a teacher who, although she has a science qualification, never taught biology before. Now she is teaching a mixed class of honours and pass, and just reads the chapters from the book and is not able to answer any difficult question she is asked.

I need grinds anyway because some of my teachers are way behind in the course or not good at explaining things.

Some teachers are just not doing their job to the best of their ability.

A doctor will tell you that if you eat all the correct food and have a well-balanced diet, there is no need for you to take vitamin tablets. As an educated person, can I propose the notion that if you pay attention in class and do all your work and study properly, there should be no need to pay for grinds or extra tuition!

I'm in a so-called 'grind school'. Our principal hates it when people call it that, but that's the common perception. I'm doing the two-year programme. Basically the only difference is that we get lots and lots of notes and extended study hours after school. I think there is major pressure on students to take grinds. I have a friend who got 590 points without any help from grinds. She was just an exceptionally hard worker.

YEAH!!!! I need to get 555 points and I'm getting grinds in four subjects! Is anyone else getting as much grinds as me

I feel like if I don't get grinds, particularly in maths, I'll be at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the class.