
Salary scales: Professionally qualified social worker/medical social worker and psychiatric social worker: £22,151 to £26,620…

Salary scales: Professionally qualified social worker/medical social worker and psychiatric social worker: £22,151 to £26,620 in seven yearly increments, with additional increment after three years on maximum salary. There are higher salary scales for senior social workers, head social workers and team leaders. For instance, head medical social worker salary scale goes from £27,193 to £31,725 in six increments. Salary scales supplied by Department of Health

97/98 points for social science/social work courses: UCC - social science 415*; UCD - social science 425*; TCD - social work 485; sociology and social policy 450*; BESS - 450*

NQSW: National Qualification in Social Work and recognised courses: NQSW is national professional social work qualification awarded on successful completion of recognised courses.

Recognised courses: undergraduate courses: UCC - bachelor in social work (not open to school-leavers); TCD - bachelor in social studies.


Postgraduate courses: UCC - Masters of social work; higher diploma in social work studies. UCD - Master of social science (social work); diploma in applied social studies. From report of the National Validation Body on social work qualifications and training (May 1995 - February 1997).

Useful addresses: Irish Association of Social Workers, 114 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 - phone (01) 677 4838. The association produces a leaflet explaining the various types of work a social worker may do. The National Validation Body on social work qualifications and training can be contacted at (01) 676 6281.

Employment: Social workers may find work in hospitals and clinics, community care teams, child and family centres, probation and welfare service, housing departments, voluntary organisations, counselling services, community development projects and occupational welfare departments. Source: IASW leaflet.