Grad profile: ‘I was able to upskill and become certified in different areas’

Mary Immaculate College graduate Niamh Crowley enrolled in Accenture’s graduate programme.

Niamh Crowley, Accenture

Tell us about yourself, where you’re from and what you studied in college.

I grew up in Bantry, West Cork, but I've lived in Dublin for the past few years. I studied primary teaching in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, for my undergraduate degree and completed a conversion master's degree in computer science in UCD in 2019.

How did you find out about the grad programme?

I first saw the consultancy graduate programme on and then found the technology programme on Accenture’s own website.


What is the graduate programme like?

It's excellent. All technology graduates belong to what's called the TAG (Technology Analyst Group), and when you join, you complete two weeks' training with your graduate group where you're introduced to the different parts, processes, and people of Accenture.

They also pair you with a recent graduate to help guide you through the first few months and the TAG people crew organise different social and community events so you can get to know everyone.

I joined at the beginning of the first lockdown last March and I was really impressed with how easily they adapted the programme for my start group, when we suddenly had to start remotely rather than in the offices.

Explain what the work experience was like.

I was part of the software engineering stream on the technology graduate programme so my work experience was entirely centered around technology. My first role was with a client in financial services so right from the beginning I got hands-on practical experience.

I was also lucky enough to work with other graduates on creating Accenture’s GradBot ATLAS, which is now used as part of Accenture’s recruitment process and answers any questions that prospective graduates have via WhatsApp.

There are a lot of training opportunities on offer within the programme too, so I was able to upskill and become certified in different areas I’m interested in.

Tell me about your career progression

Once the graduate programme ended, I became a permanent Accenture employee. I moved roles and am now working as a software engineer with one of our clients.

One of the great parts of being with Accenture is that there are so many different opportunities available that if you want a change or a new challenge, you don’t have to look far.

What’s your advice to graduates applying to the programme?

Go for it. You won’t regret it!

- Shauna Bowers