Q: I got an offer for my first choice but I really want my 3rd, is there any way?
You will never be offered a course below what you have been offered. The only thing that I could suggest is that maybe if they are both in the same college that you could contact admissions and enquire about internal transfers, or enquire about transferring after year 1. I don't have enough information from your query. You are better off contacting the admissions as each college have different policies.
Q: Having received an offer for Arts in UCD is it possible to change the subject choice you had originally applied for?

If you have applied for joint honours you can change subject choice during orientation week. Places are not guaranteed due to availability.
If you have applied for a single honours degree in order to transfer you would need the points for the subject that you are transferring to.
I would advise you to ring the student help desk on 01-7161555 as I don't have enough of your details.
Q: I have been offered my first choice in NUIM, but I was wondering is it possible to defer for a year? If so how would I do it? Or would I have to just reject the offer and reapply next year?
Generally yes but you need to ring NUIM admissions immediately to find out if they will allow you to defer for your specific course. There is a procedure laid out in the CAO handbook re deferrals so you need to follow this but the important thing is to act quickly and not to delay.
If the HEI has confirmed that it operates deferred entry to the course in question, on receipt of an Offer Notice:
Do NOT accept the offer in the manner shown on the Offer Notice.
Write or e-mail IMMEDIATELY to the Admissions Office of the appropriate HEI. Give your name as it appears on your CAO application, quote your 2014 CAO Application Number and the Course Code of the offer you wish to defer, and set out the reason(s) for the request. Mark "DEFERRED ENTRY" clearly on the envelope or in the Subject Line of your e-mail.
The letter or e-mail must arrive in the Admissions Office at least two days before the "Reply Date" shown on the Offer Notice.
The HEI will communicate their decision to you. If the deferral is not granted, you may then accept the offer for the current year.
You must send all communications about deferral to the appropriate Admissions Office and NOT to CAO.
Q: I got offered Business Management, DIT Level 8, however, due to changes in personal/family situation, I need to work for this year towards college costs, etc to be able to take my place in September 2015. I need to defer my offer. Any advice on this would be much appreciated. Many thanks
I recommend that you contact the college by letter or by email explaining your reasons for wanting to defer. They will have the option as to whether to accept or decline your request. If they accept they will defer a place next year for you providing that you place this and only this cours eon your CAO.
You could look up the course on the college website and see the number of contact hours that are needed for this course. Could you pursue a part-time course. Contact the finance /fees department and query if they can give you any financial assistance.
Q: I have a place on a PLC and have now been offered a Level 8. I want to do the PLC but will this affect my grant? Should I defer or reject the Level 8 and start again next year? Also, if I defer is this my only choice next year?
You can defer your Level 8 and spend the year doing a PLC. This will not affect your grant. You will continue to get the grant as long as you're progressing in education.
If you defer this will be your only choice for next year. If it is not you will lose your deferred place.