How to maximise your study time

10 tips on how to approach the exams

10 tips on how to approach the exams

1. Manage your stress

The natural stress that arises as the Leaving Cert approaches can have a positive effect on exam performance. But if allowed to build too high, it will overwhelm you, and you will find it impossible to think and write clearly and concisely.

2. Use weekends wisely


Use each weekend to consolidate what you have studied during the past week. Get plenty of rest and relaxation so you can work effectively in school and deal with the after-school exam preparation.

3. 60 minutes per subject

Give at least an hour per subject to reviewing your week's work. Have a revision plan for the full programme of work you intend to cover.

4. Write a few cards

Use revision cards to quickly review the past week's work. The cards should have no more than six or seven short points which serve as information triggers.

5. Review and recall

Take out each question's revision card and look at it for two to three minutes over the weekend. This will enhance your capacity to recall the information at exam time.

6. Rewind

Go back over your revision cards for previous weeks and months, taking a minute to look over the key points. Take time to synopsise the material studied, to recall it to memory.

7. Get the balance

Doing the Leaving is similar to doing a marathon. So it's important to balance your academic work, physical health and fitness and psychological wellbeing.

8. Chill out

The weekend is a time to relax and recover, so don't feel guilty for engaging in your favourite pastimes, unless of course they leave you wrecked on Monday morning.

9. Feed your brain

Maintain a healthy diet, avoiding junk foods and sugar highs which will impair your sharpness.

10. Don't overdo it

Avoid late-night marathon study sessions. They achieve little, and will impair your capacity to work effectively the next day. Your brain can only absorb information when it is sharp and focused.