In my life ... Con Murphy

Current job: Sports broadcaster, RTÉ Radio 1 What schools did you go to? Ursuline Convent Cabinteely (they ejected all boys …

Current job: Sports broadcaster, RTÉ Radio 1 What schools did you go to? Ursuline Convent Cabinteely (they ejected all boys after first class); St Brigid's National School, Foxrock; Cabinteely Community School.

Best subject? English, Geography

Worst subject? Woodwork. I still can't put up a shelf.

What's the boldest thing you ever did in school?


I was a goody goody. I genuinely can't remember ever doing anything bold.

Who was your favourite teacher and why? Gerry Kiernan in St Brigid's, He was a sports fanatic (he came ninth in the Marathon in the LA Olympics) and his enthusiasm for all sport, including backing horses, rubbed off on me!

Who was the object of your first crush? I think it was a girl called Ruth in the Ursuline Convent, which means I was about seven. I used to bring her in a bag of crisps every day, but one day she came into school with her hair in a bun, and that was the end. I was a shallow seven-year-old, obviously.

What was your earliest career ambition? To work at the World Cup finals.

Did you go to college? Only the college of life.

What song most reminds you of your school days? Gordon is a moron by Jilted John; Video killed the radio star by The Buggles; and almost all SKA music.

What would you look for when choosing a school for your own children?

I don't have any, but if I did, I suppose I'd like it to be co-ed, have good sports facilities and be non-denominational.

Were your school days the best days of your life? They were very enjoyable, but hopefully the best days of my life are still ahead!