Leaving Cert helpdesk: DARE scheme

The criteria for getting into courses via the Disability Access Route to Education

The points for a DARE place on a course are slightly lower but places are  limited
The points for a DARE place on a course are slightly lower but places are limited

Hey, I’ve received 150 points in my HPat and 500 points in my Leaving Cert but I also qualify for DARE is it likely I will get medicine?

Based on information provided by accesscollege.ie UCD offers two places and has never given more than a 36 point reduction over the last three years. I would advise you to check out this website. Well done on doing so well. I hope that things go well for you.

My daughter qualified for DARE and is in the points range for a place on her chosen course, however she needed a HC3 in physics. She got a D1 which she wants to appeal. Will she lose out on a DARE place as I know it takes some time to recheck papers?

The results of the rechecks are out in mid-October and generally if an applicant is upgraded and they become entitled to a place on a new course then the college generally will do everything they can to facilitate a place for the upgraded student.


If they cannot create a place for the upgraded student at this time then the student is offered a deferred place for the following year. In the case of a DARE applicant I would imagine the same procedure would apply. If the quota of DARE places has already been filled then I would imagine the college would try to create another place but, if not able, then a deferred place would be offered.

There are a lot of variables here and different colleges might act in different ways. If I were you I would consider giving the admissions office of the particular college in question a ring and ask them what their approach might be.

My son failed ordinary maths so will not get any of his CAO options. He qualified for DARE. If he repeats maths next year, will he have to reapply for DARE and is it difficult to get it again without the educational assessment from the school?

I would advise you to speak with the access office of the particular college of interest. I am confident that you can carry it forward for a year. The best of luck.

My course is 475 and I got 475 but I also qualify for DARE. Do you think there is a good chance I'll get in?

Yes, I would think you have a very good chance given the fact that you have qualified under the DARE scheme.

Hi there, my daughter got 450 points. She has also been accepted for DARE. Her first choice is Bess in Trinity, would her chances of getting her first choice be high?

Her points score is looking like it will be between 80 per cent and 90 per cent of the course points so she is definitely in with a good chance. You could try get through to the admissions/access office in TCD for more information.

Hi, my daughter got 390 points and has qualified for DARE. Her first choice is Food Science in UCD. Is there any chance she might get it?

There are three places available on this course for DARE applicants. In the last three years the maximum points reduction on this course was 75. This is not to say your daughter will not get an offer but gives you an idea of previous years. DARE places are oversubscribed in general and hence admission is competitive. It will depend on the points of qualified DARE applicants who have applied for this course this year in comparison to your daughter’s.