Music for schools that's just tutu good

The "Music in the Classroom" concerts for schoolchildren, organised by The Irish Times , have been playing to full houses at …

The "Music in the Classroom" concerts for schoolchildren, organised by The Irish Times, have been playing to full houses at venues around the State.

Last week saw the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, with Gearóid Grant conducting, performing in Killarney, Co Kerry; at UL in Limerick; at Leisureland, Galway; at Sligo IT and at Athlone IT. They were performing a programme aimed at primary-school students.

The concerts return to Dublin soon, with a new primary-school programme performed by, in most shows, the National Symphony Orchestra. They're at the National Concert Hall on March 4th, April 23rd and 29th and May 7th (tel: (01) 679 2022).