My PLC journey: Kate Stitt

A short segment on a TV programme led me to a course in costume design and I’m really excited about the future

Kate Stitt: “I finished up in May and have been lucky enough already to work on two short films.”

"I graduated from school in 2007 before going on to do a portfolio preparation course in mixed media and design at Ballyfermot College of Further Education.

I'd hoped to use this to get into the National College of Art and Design and, while I missed out, I did go on to study fine art in DIT [now part of the Technological University of Dublin]. There, I specialised in sculpture and also got to spend a year studying at the University of East London, which was known to be top of its game in the art world.

When I graduated, I worked in a retail role for about four years, but when my dad got sick and passed away within six months, it made me feel life was too short to do something I wasn’t really happy with. I wanted to make a change, but I didn’t know how – or what I wanted to do.

Since I got my degree, I'd put off working on creative projects because I feared I wouldn't be financially okay, and I'd veered towards more practical routes. Then, one day, my boyfriend saw a segment on the RTÉ programme Nationwide about a costume design course. He thought it would be perfect for me.


I was sceptical. I hadn't even sewn before. But I looked into the costume design course at Inchicore College and, before I knew it, I'd taken out a loan with the credit union, quit my role and dropped back to working a day a week and started. It was the toughest thing I have ever done – very hands-on and very challenging – but I'd happily recommend it to anyone. I picked up really practical skills over the two years.

I finished up in May and have been lucky enough already to work on two short films. My favourite aspect of the course was costume construction; I think I have really surprised myself and I’m excited about the opportunity to prove myself in the industry.”