Net gain

Nerds in primary and second-level schools can celebrate, virtually, from Saturday, October 17th, to the following Saturday

Nerds in primary and second-level schools can celebrate, virtually, from Saturday, October 17th, to the following Saturday. Netd@ys Europe 1998 will give students across Europe a chance to become involved in a different type of learning experience. You can register your proposal on how the internet can be used in education. For information go to Also there's more information from Jim Connolly, national co-ordinator, at the Government website -

It's expected that schools, libraries, museums, job centres, youth organisations and businesses supporting education will take part. There may also be possibilities of linking with non-European countries. Netd@ays Europe first kicked off last October. During that week there were 1,000 events, more than 15,000 participating schools and 500,000 visits to the Netd@ays internet site.