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DCU Students' Union president Dermot Lohan says it is unlikely that a referendum on disaffiliation from USI will be held in the…

DCU Students' Union president Dermot Lohan says it is unlikely that a referendum on disaffiliation from USI will be held in the university.

There were some indications that a disaffiliation campaign might be mounted in DCU following the announcement of a disaffiliation referendum in UCD, which led last month to a narrow vote in favour of leaving the national union.

According to Lohan, "rumours went around" that USI might face a disaffiliation referendum in DCU, but no signatures have been submitted for a referendum and at the most recent student council meeting, held on November 18th, the issue was not raised. The third avenue for seeking a referendum is through the students' union executive, but Lohan says that the executive would not back a referendum. "It's just idle talk," he concludes.

College news is compiled by John Connolly