
UCD Student Enterprise Seminar Series:

UCD Student Enterprise Seminar Series:

The NovaUCD/Venturepoint Student Enterprise Seminar Series continues today from 1 p.m. to 1.50 p.m. in the University Industry Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4. This lunchtime's speaker is Dr Jim Mountjoy, co-founder and former chief executive officer of Euristix Ltd. There will be refreshments from 12.30 p.m. Website:

Irish Times/RTÉ Music in the Classroom

There are spaces still available for secondary schools to attend The Irish Times/RTÉ Music in the Classroom series of concerts on Monday, November 15th at 10.15 a.m. and noon and on Tuesday, November 16th at 10.15 a.m. To book, contact Janet Stafford on (01) 675 8494.


There are no spaces available for any primary school concerts apart from those taking place at the INEC, Killarney, Co Kerry on January 11th, 2005.

The booking form for concerts for the next academic year will appear in The Irish Times early next May.

UCD 150th Anniversary celebrations

Tomorrow sees the start of a year-long calendar of events and activities planned to celebrate 150 years of University College Dublin. On Thursday, November 4th at

8 p.m. in the National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, there will be a performance of the Dream of Gerontius by Edward Elgar by the UCD Choral Scholars, with Our Lady's Choral Society and the RTÉ Concert Orchestra. For further information contact: Caroline Somers. Tel: (01) 618 8408.

Drama training courses

Smashing Times Theatre Company Ltd in partnership with UCD are now inviting applications for two new accredited training programmes.

The Certificate in Community Drama provides an introduction to drama and theatre skills and to the theory and practise of community drama. The deadline for this course was October 29th, but late applications may be accepted.

The Diploma in Community Drama Facilitation Skills provides training and a recognised qualification for professional artists who wish to work as drama facilitators in a community context. The deadline for applications is November 19th.

Both courses are accredited through UCD and aim to develop the use of drama and theatre to address conflict resolution and reconciliation. The training takes place over 10 residential weekends in the Northern and Southern Border counties. For further information and application forms, contact Smashing Times Theatre Company Ltd, Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7. Tel: (01) 865 6613. Website:

UCC Boole Lecture

Prof Des MacHale will give a public lecture to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of the laws of thought by George Boole this evening at 8 p.m. in the Boole III Lecture Theatre at University College Cork. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Public Lectures at Milltown Institute

"Passionate About the Passion" - a series of public lectures in response to Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ continue tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. at Milltown Institute, Milltown Park, Dublin 6. Tel: (01) 269 8388 for details. Further lectures will take place on Wendesday, November 10th and Wendesday, November 17th.

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